qaa coachingIntroduction

Our practical internal audit coaching pathways will help you in two ways. You deepen your knowledge of the audit profession and you gain a better understanding of its work methodologies. Coaching by our specialists always gives you a head start, so you are better placed to meet the audit profession’s many challenges. And in your audit department too, you can be sure of keeping control!

Discover below

Coaching for beginner auditors

You have completed an audit training and you are about to start working with your acquired knowledge. You already know the procedures, methodologies and objectives that a high-quality internal audit must meet, but perhaps you still need significant assistance. Starting a first (major) audit engagement is a big challenge. However, you can always count on the broad experience of our audit experts.

The QAA experts guide you through the entire process and teach you exactly how to prepare thoroughly for your new competencies. We have years of experience in the field of internal audit and as a coach. Together with you, we go through all parts of your engagement. You are at the helm, with an experienced colleague by your side – someone you can consult at any time and with whom you can (learn to) define the objectives.

We accompany you in all key steps of the audit, and assist in defining the scope, performing the risk analysis and establishing the work programme. We check whether they are aligned with the methodology and the auditing standards, and therefore meet all the quality requirements of the profession. Together, we establish the necessary documents and ensure that you provide a high-quality final report.

The goal is to directly transform your first engagement into a success that brings the added value your organisation needs. With our coaching, you quickly reach the level required to perform your future assignments independently.

Coaching for experienced auditors

Have you already performed many audit assignments, but would like to develop your knowledge and expertise? Do you need an experienced partner to help improve your work methods and to enhance the application of the audit profession's best practices? Are you preparing for a major engagement and would like to receive expert advice?

If so, a high-level coaching programme with our experts might be right for you.

You choose an assignment that we take a full look at together. During the assignment and the various steps and methodologies, our audit expert checks your work methods according to the practices in the field. You discuss together any possible complications or orientation changes, the effectiveness of your work and potential opportunities for improvement. Our coaching also helps you to master new audit techniques.

The aim is to enable you to grow further in the audit profession. Coaching lifts your knowledge to a higher level. We ensure that you can ultimately submit a high-quality report to your management, the audit committee and all stakeholders in your organisation!


Contact our specialists for tailored advice.