Cookie Policy

Cookie legislation

Qualified Audit Academy uses cookies to enhance and simplify your browsing experience and to monitor site performance and to provide you with a more responsive and personalized experience.

By using this site, you agree to our use of cookies. You can refuse the installation of cookies but some of the elements of our websites will not work at all or will not work properly. If you visit our website without amending your cookie settings and click on the 'continue' button, we assume that you accept the installation of cookies.

Cookie policy

A cookie is a text file that a website server places in your computer's browser or your mobile device when you browse a website. The cookie contains a unique code that allows your browser to be recognised during the visit to the website (a so- called 'session' cookie) or during later, repeat visits (a so-called 'permanent' cookie).

Cookies can be placed by the server of the website you are visiting or by partners who work with the site. The server of a website can only read the cookies that it placed itself; it has no access to other information that is stored on your computer or mobile device. Cookies are saved in your browser's folder on your computer or mobile device.

The content of a cookie usually encompasses the name of the server that placed it, an expiry date and a unique numerical code.

Cookies generally simplify and speed up the interaction between the visitor and the website and help the visitor to navigate between the various elements on the site. Cookies can also be used to make the content of a website or the publicity more relevant for the visitor and personalise it according to their taste and/or needs.

Qualified Audit Academy uses the following cookies:

Necessary cookies

These cookies are vital in order to visit our website and use certain elements thereof. These cookies let you, for example, navigate between the website's various elements. If you refuse these cookies, certain parts of the website will not work (properly).

Functional cookies

Functional cookies are cookies that simplify the function of our website, make it more pleasant for the visitor and ensure that you have a more personalised surf experience. These are the cookies that retain your preferences, for example.

Performance cookies

We use performance cookies for gathering information on the use of our website by users so that we can improve the content of our websites, modify them to the wishes of the visitors and increase user-ease. There is, for example, a cookie that helps us count the number of unique visitors and a cookie that monitors which pages are the most popular.

Embedded content

To support our content, the site sometimes refers you onto other sites via a clickable link. During your visit to these external sites, cookies may also be created. For more information about the creation of these cookies on other sites, Qualified Audit Academ advises you to check the sites' privacy policies.

Managing cookies

You can refuse the installation of cookies via your browser settings. On the following website, you can find the method for refusing cookies for the most frequently used browsers:

You can delete already installed cookies from your computer or mobile device at any time.